the phone call that started lowercase

the phone call that started lowercase

by Zach Haber

I remember the call like it was just yesterday. Last July I was on my way to a local bison farm outside Portsmouth, NH with my friend Martin. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and the perfect summer temperature. My dad called me in a great mood, hoping to check in and see what I was up to. Martin and I made it to the farm and shopped around. I stumbled upon some bison meat sticks which ended up being delicious. After the farm, we stopped at a thrift store along Highway 1 in Maine on our way back. And just as we arrived, the call came in…

It was one of my best friends, Aaron, calling to change our lives.

“You remember that golf bag idea? Well, Hannah thinks we should do it.”

Without hesitation, I respond, “I’m in.”

Since that summer morning, we’ve been fully committed to launching a golf pannier bag/backpack for consumers to transport their clubs with.

Our first step in launching this business was figuring out what the bag was going to look like. We had to generate our napkin drawing. Later that same day, Aaron and I hopped on a Google Meet and used the brainstorm program to sketch the most rudimentary pannier bag possible, with 6 holes right in the middle of the bag. A 5-year-old could have drawn something better than what you see here, we’re aware. It was at this moment we knew we had to find a designer – and that we were really doing this.

We searched high and low for designers, feeling like we were never going to find the right partner. Finally, we found a designer whose experience jumped off the page, we couldn’t believe he was available to us. Aaron and I had no idea what we were doing and still don’t, for the record, but we sent Adam a message, and he got back to us!

Jumping on a call with him made us quickly realize this was happening: we were entering the golf industry with a new and disruptive soft good. After that first call all we could do was hope for the best. About a week later we received our first tech pack design, and it blew us away. Our dream of becoming entrepreneurs had just gotten one step closer to reality.

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